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Images marked as Public Domain have, to the best of Museums Victoria’s knowledge, no copyright or intellectual property rights that would restrict their free download and reuse. Blackhead pasture cockchafers (Acrossidius tasmaniae) are a common pest. in an action of contract, negligence or other action, arising out of Any other uses of these images must be approved by the Curator of the collection in which these illustrations are archived. Body with straight sides, brown-black, spiny legs. Fully-grown larvae are 15-20 mm long and tend to curl into a C-shape when exposed. Larva: grey with dark brown-black head. Turf Finder or Australian Sports Turf Museums Victoria Sciences Staff (2017) Acrossidius tasmaniae Black-headed Pasture Cockchafer in Museums Victoria Collections 13 November 2020, We support the open release of data and information about our collections. Or what about a Wedge-tailed Eagle soaring majestically in the sky? The eggs hatch into C-shaped, white or greyish-white larvae with a characteristic shiny brown or black head capsule and three pairs or legs at the front end. The larvae typically surface at night in response to rainfall and/or heavy dews. Black beetle can be found in all turfgrass species and varieties. Adult black beetles can cause significant damage by feeding on stolons and rhizomes and tunneling within the ground. They begin feeding on organic matter in the root zone, initially near the surface and then deeper as they grow. Adult cockchafer beetles are approximately 10 mm long, dark brown to black in colour. The life-cycle takes one year. Blackheaded pasture cockchafers are the only cockchafer species that comes to the surface to feed. Body up to 1 cm long. Cockchafer. Turf can also show discolouration, thinning, wilting and have a lack luster appearance. The larvae are creamy-grey in colour with a hardened black head capsule. Adults also cause soil mounds on entering and existing the turf surface. Black-headed Pasture Cockchafers fly during January and February and are attracted to lights. It has characteristic antennae that fan out. South-eastern mainland Australia and Tasmania. without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. They feed on clovers, grasses and some weeds, chewing plant material in their tunnels during the day. CC BY Images marked with a Creative Commons (CC) license may be downloaded and reused in accordance with the conditions of the relevant CC license. Larvae live in vertical tunnels in the soil, emerging at night to feed on clover, ryegrass and animal dung. Their body colour is grey when they are feeding and changes to white yellow as they mature. Or even sighted a Christmas Beetle at your local park? It is mainly a pest of cool season grasses and is found in areas that experience an average annual rainfall of around 480mm. The grubs shown are third instar mature grubs prior to burrowing deeper where they pupate emerging as a black beetle in springtime usually mid-September for Melbourne.

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