eating attitudes test pdf



Steiger H., Stotland S., Ghadirian A.M., Whitehead V.: Controlled study of eating concerns and psycopathological traits in relatives of eating-disordered probands: Do famililial traits exist? Eat.

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Eating Attitudes Test© (EAT-26) Instructions: This is a screening measure to help you determine whether you might have an eating disorder that needs professional attention.

Be as accurate and honest as possible. Disord., 12, 281–289, 1992. : Locus of control in women with eating pathology. J. However, the EAT-26 Res., 44,191–201, 1992. Child Adolesc. Disord., 9, 565–569, 1990. J. Abnorm. J. Eat.

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x��}m����wE�?��� �T@�;6�B�e�/�>��.6� Ljl��L�* 5�5S�ăL� �@}����ͫ����篿y|���������������������|�p����ÿ��������Ͽ���?��R]?�����u����i��^��e��y>=����G���_~�����Ϧ��w�g���w���t�����!�Tk����K"ͅ������}�ŷ�)�9� �. : Psychological, hormonal and biochemical changes following carbohydrate bingeing: a placebo controlled study in bulimia nervosa and matched controls., Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Lee S.: How abnormal is the desire for slimness?

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Ohzeki T., Otahara H., Hanaki K., Motozumi H., Shiraki K.: Eating attitudes test in boys and girls age 6–18 years: decrease in concerns with eating in boys and the increase in girls with their ages.

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J. Eat. Carter A.S., Baker C.W., Brownell K.D. J. This manuscript reviews the literature involved with the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT), first developed in the late 1970s as a self-report, indicative of the symptoms of eating disorders.

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Garfinkel ~ 1 min to take. Eat. : Factors that may influence future approaches to the eating disorders.


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: The Eating Attitudes Test: psychometric features and clinical correlates. Eat. Dis., 177, 249–258, 1989. Acta Psychiatr. Arch. Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa, 6, 57–61, 1992. Eat. Abuse 4, 255–261, recovered anorectics.

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