wot centurion 7/1 best gun


This upgraded version of the Centurion was developed by Leyland Motors and featured an expanded hull, improved cabin design, larger fuel tanks, and enhanced armor. X FV4202; Armor profile; Armor performance; Tactics; Historical Reference ; Configuration. A total of 100 vehicles of this series were manufactured from 1945 through 1946. Also remember it's really only the gun mantlet that's impenetrable. I've had several games in the Centurions that were carries with well over 2K damage.. had plenty of stinkers too but that was because I did something stupid. 6. This doesn't make a ton of sense to me. Modules. OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel (damage per shot: 230): 12. 7/1 was the ancestor of the MBTs (main battle tanks). 124.3 % Driving. Centurion Mk. Thanks. By this time in the war, the 8.8 cm flak gun had been widely used for anti-tank purposes, which forced the War Office to demand a major revision of current British tank specifications. WoT Tank Compare v.9.15. It may be the addition of the machine gun mentioned in an earlier posting. 124.3 % Aiming. I had no clue about it. The Centurion Mk 7/1 in WoT Blitz has a choice of two guns: HEAT and HESH. And the high alpha damage. Edited by Str8UpJack, 11 March 2015 - 11:57 AM. #CenturionMk71WoTBlitz #CenturionMk71WorldOfTanksBlitz #martindoggerWoTBlitz #worldoftanksblitz #martindogger #wotblitzbesttank #wotblitzhowtogetXPfast #wotblitzhowtogetfreegold #wotblitznewplayers #wotblitzsidescraping #wotblitztutorial #wotblitzprotips #HowToPlayWorldOfTanksBlitz#wotblitznewupdate 7/1 is a British tier 9 medium tank. It allows you to obliterate tanks which are poorly armored allowing you to take them out quicker. 3466. As always comments and likes are very much welcome and appreciated! 7/1 video review covering the main vehicle characteristics and its combat behavior. 3851. Marks of Excellence requirements for Centurion 7/1: beta. How to play the Centurion 7/1. World of Tanks is a team-based massively multiplayer online action game dedicated to armored warfare in the middle of the 20th century. Centurion Mk. The M46 patton will also make you cackle as it has weak frontal armor. My record would have also been much much much worse had I not skipped most of the grind. Centurion Mk 5/1 also know as FV 4011 was one of the modifications of the postwar British tank Centurion Mk.V, it had increased glacis armour, two coax machineguns: one .30 Browning & one .50 caliber Browning for ranging the 84mm (20 pounder) main gun. Compared to the previous vehicle, the Centurion Mk. If a tank carries there would be few other tanks that could be said to carry better than the T95. This allows the gun to penetrate the frontal armour of almost all tier 8 tanks and the weak spots of some tier 9 tanks as well. Started by Nudnud9, 07 Dec 2019: 2 reply 1,371 view; Gruff_ 24 Dec 2019 should I grind … I’m covering this in the most extensive and in-depth review on the Centurion Mk 7/1. I has a great gun depression angle. The ridge on Rockfield for example. I want to point out that most of the planned upgrades for the Centurion were considered only for the 105mm armed Strv 101 and 102 so while using the 120mm thick frontal glacis with extra “ribbed” armor could help differentiate the tank from its … I, adopts them and improves upon them greatly. Tier 7 and 8 medium tanks will make you cackle with glee in the Centurion 7/1 as they all have weak frontal armor. Mine is equipped with BINOCS and I use the speed to post up at a forward spot behind good cover to pick up some very early spotting.. stay there until spotted and pull back unless I'm sure there are enough other green tanks that have been spotted that they are being targeted ahead of me. The Centurian I, was very tough, but got used to it. Guides, reviews, streams, tutorials.Outro song: \"Radio Rocket\" - PC-One https://soundcloud.com/pc-one/radio-rocketRemember to subscribe to martindogger if you like Centurion Mk 7/1 | HESH or HEAT? 73 in early 1953. However, everything else didn't change much, like the traverse spee… Practically every element has been improved here: it has better glacis plate, a stronger driving unit and, which is the most important, it has the best cannon available for tier nine medium tanks: the 105mm Royal Ordnance L7A1. I think you like to complain. This vehicle is similar to the American Pershing, in the way it plays. In September 1943, initial specifications for the A41 asked the tank t… It existed only in blueprints. It doesn't carry solo well. Even still my damage output compared to other tier 8s in the Cent is just bad. Shots required to get MoE (per battle)Show guns. I love the centurion, but it can be brutal on a bad team. Apply my tactic and see if it works. Mobcrush.com/Str8UpJack / Founding Member of Triarii iii, Completed tank lines: FV4202, FV215b, FV 215b (183), E 100, Object 268, IS-4, T-62A, Completed Nations: U.K. , USSR (coming soon), My premium tanks: Have so much I lost count. In fact, wouldn't you lend MORE weight to a player that says a tank sucks while also being proficient in it. This upgraded version of the Centurion was developed by Leyland Motors and featured an expanded hull, improved cabin design, larger fuel tanks, and enhanced armor. This vehicle drives identically with the predecessor, but thanks to new armament, it is capable of damaging any vehicle in the game. IX. I am a HESHER. Compare; Tank list; About / Contact; Comparing: Object 430 Version II vs. Centurion Mk. Equipment. I leads to the Centurion Mk. Neither tank is a brawler unless it's a weaker tank or you are top tier.. even then you have to be very careful because of the paper armor that your turret sits on top of.. you should know this already from the Cent I.. no change to the 7/1. The gun: The Ordnance Quick-Firing 20 pounder Type A barrel gun on the Centurion Mk. Agree, the game World of Tanks already exists a decent amount of years, and many of us have already managed to get into the interface, the sound picture in battle or even the gameplay. EdAWACSdenyY, on 11 March 2015 - 05:39 AM, said: mrbieler, on 11 March 2015 - 05:40 AM, said: Serapth, on 10 March 2015 - 10:43 PM, said: http://forum.wotblitz.com/index.php?/topic/13815-how-to-effectively-use-hesh-on-the-battlefield/page__pid__228107#entry228107. 7/1 has received minor improvements in terms of hull armour. 7/1. IX. 3 515 000 165 000 Preceded by. You can add me and we can platoon together to give you some hands on experience with HESH. The only thing I ever free exped in my life is the top gun on my Conqueror tank. I have never had that problem before in my Cent 7/1. Serapth, on 10 March 2015 - 10:47 PM, said: you cannot afford to sit there and take it. Russian bias indeed. Whatever it is, I'm finding it frustrating to sort out. 1 is probably the best gun on a Tier 8 medium tank, with 226 mm of penetration firing standard armour piercing ammunition. Trust me on this. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained. Posted by u /[deleted] 2 years ago. While its propensity for … Soon after the Centurion's introduction, Royal Ordnance finished work on the 84 mm calibre Ordnance QF 20 pounder tank gun. HD Centurion Mk.1 camo. Download, share and comment wallpapers you like. WoT Tank Compare v.9.15. Looking for the best Centurion Tank Wallpaper? One of the best is the Sound Mod "Thunder Guns" for World of Tanks, replacing the crew voice, the sounds of guns and tank engines, as well as the sounds of projectiles. Video includes full stats and numbers, comparisons with other tier 9 mediums and two 4k damage ace games on Canyon and Winter Malinovka. Going hull-down will therefore be much easier. The aim time is very quick so keep rocking back and forth while reloading. How to play the Centurion 7/1. I'm Not sold yet. However, you are no longer able to weasel around the field, as the mobility and camouflage value suffered for the plus in survivability, so the Centurion Mk. The Centurion Mk. VII 171/239/38 150/150/190 14.29 0.34 2.1 826 70000 VIII OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel 226/258/42 230/230/280 8 0.33 2.3 1242 120000 VII OQF 77 mm Gun … Guns. Carry harder pl0x, but on a serious not I don't reccomend playing after three or more consecutive losses. The Centurion Mk. V. IX. X. HESH is also kinda meh for me so far, shots I expected big damage from doing peanuts. Does it mean it can bounce shells reliably? 7/1 Developed at the Construction Bureau of Factory No. Source: Geogen. I use the 7/1 as a passive scout ( I think that is the way either QB or Jingles describe using it ). If your good and enough and perhaps have the luck and skill of an God (like me. Centurion Mk. Skins 545 Downloads Last Updated: Mar 18, 2017 Game Version: Update 1.0.1. | WoT Blitz [2018] - YouTube 7/1 (Taugrim) by iFacePalm April 3, 2020 Taugrim game play reviews the British tier 9 Centuriun Mk. 7/1 and begins his review by describing why this British tank is one of the most underappreciated tier 9 mediums, but why this tank is actually amazing despite its low DPM values. It allows you to obliterate tanks which are poorly armored allowing you to take them out quicker. There is a reason I have stopped going up the American TD line and it's because I am not willing to adjust my style of play to that line..  Don't blame the tank. I'm not trying to be a [edited]by saying it that way but think about it for a few seconds...  How many times have you seen a T95 used really poorly and taken out of the game in the first minute?? Menu Home ACTION HEROES News Tanks Community My Stats Rewards SWEEPSTAKES Nation. One of the modifications of the British Centurion Mk.5, it had a reinforced front armor, a better gun and a more powerful engine. From March 8th through March 10th, 1953, the Ministry of Transport and Heavy Engineering considered the project, along with an alternate version of the tank with a more conventional configuration. My big confusion with the Cent 7 is hulldown spots that worked great in the Cent 1 are getting me penned like made in the C7. Centurion Tank Wallpaper. 7/1 medium tank during March of 2020 as he showcases what this British tank is capable off with 2 ace tanker game play replays. I needs to be played like a conventional medium tank. Great discussion. If you want I also have a guide on the Centurion Mk. **edit.. Ive been playing it for a couple hours now and here my initial thoughts. We've got 56+ great wallpaper images hand-picked by our users. Dominate the hills with your gun depression or take the show on the road with outstanding on-the-move accuracy as you outmaneuver the enemy and reap the rewards! you have to work the terrain pop up and fire before scurrying back into cover. The grind is pure stupidity. Which one is the best gun to use fort his tier 9 medium tank? Centurion 7/1 Tier 9, Medium tank. Started by PJLeopard, 12 Nov 2017. VIII. Tier 7 and 8 medium tanks will make you cackle with glee in the Centurion 7/1 as they all have weak frontal armor. Still wouldn't call it a good tank. So as you may remember, I'm no fan of the Centurion 1. 7/1 In 1945 the E 50 was conceived as a standard medium tank of the Panzerwaffe to replace the Panther and Panther II. Serapth, on 10 March 2015 - 10:59 PM, said: So basically the advantage of HESH is module/equipment damage and if you can penetrate a relatively flat surface. This upgraded version of the Centurion was developed by Leyland Motors and featured an expanded hull, improved cabin design, larger fuel tanks, and enhanced armor. 7/1 which I saw in World of Tanks. 17. Crew 1 Commander 1 Gunner 1 Loader 1 Driver 0 Radio operator 113 % Base mastery. You have 10 degrees of gun depression which you have to use to your advantage. Not every tank suits every player and if the player is not able, or unwilling, to adjust their play style to the tank it's going to feel like a long and torturous grind.. 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