biblical meaning of anna
Anna was a prophetess and is mentioned very early in … One of the most noticeable characteristics of Anna’s life is how quickly her heart turned to praise God. 1915. anna - Biblical Meaning for anna in Eastons Bible Dictionary (Bible History Online) Sinai delivered the Law establishing God's covenant with them. Anna is one of the Bible’s most unusual women. Salem Media Group. In the birth of Jesus her faith was abundantly rewarded, and she became a grateful and ceaseless witness "to all them that were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem," that the day of their spiritual deliverance had come. (grace ), a "prophetess" in Jerusalem at the time of our Lords Presentation in the temple. Anna glossary term meaning as seen in the King James Bible. See SIMEON. Anna was a prophetess in Jerusalem. Anna is first mentioned in Luke 2 when Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem “for the purification rites required by the Law of Moses,” (Luke 2:22). of Exceptionally devout and gifted in spirit, she worshipped so constantly "with fastings and supplications night and day," that she is said to have "departed not from the temple." "Entry for 'ANNA'". This Bible study by Sheila Walsh reflects on Anna the prophetess, who dedicated her whole life to immersing herself in the Word of God. Proud member Girls typically married in … Anna is most likely a variant of a Hebrew name Hannah, meaning "gracious" or "favored", because in the Bible she was a sincere and merciful woman. She was the daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Asher. Matthan had three daughters: Mary, Zoia, and Anna. Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. Anna (Latin and Old Greek) was originally the Greek or Latin form of Channah (Hebrew) or Hannah. Like a reflex, praise just flowed out of her. She is also called a prophet, which is a title given to very few women throughout the Bible. The Hebrew name, translated “Anna,” means “grace.” This name is fitting for a woman who, for decades, was waiting and praying for the Savior to come and redeem. A biblical theology of worship leads to the conviction that worship is a lifestyle, not a moment in time (see 1 Corinthians 10:31). She was the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher, and was very old. Jan 8 The Search for Noah’s Flood. She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, 37 and then was a widow until she was eighty-four. חנן. Anna is the Latin form of Hannah, a Hebrew name that derived from root chanan, meaning “grace.” European Christians embraced the name for its associations with the Virgin Mary’s mother, Saint Anna—known in English as Saint Anne. Anna is currently the most common of these spellings in all English-speaking countries (since the 1970s), however the biblical form Hannah is presently more popular than all three. The name Anna is probably the Greek version of the Hebrew name Hannah. Anna’s Name Meaning. Our lives are to be dedicated to the worship and service of God. Nouns חן(hen), חנינה(hanina), תחנה(tehinna) and תחנון(tahanun) mean favor or grace. He was in touch with her constantly. The period of war and national oppression, through which Anna's early life was passed, created in her, as in the aged Simeon, an intense longing for the "redemption" promised through the Messiah. After seven years of married life her husband died, and during her long widowhood she daily attended the temple services. Bible History Daily — Latest. Anna is pronounced an-nah. The verb חנן ( hanan) means to be gracious or to favor. In the New Testament, Anna was a devout Jewish prophetess who prophesied about Jesus. All rights reserved. She is identified as the daughter of Phan’u-el Phan’u-el means ‘face of God’. She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. Anna was the name of many women belonging to Russian royalty, it is also the main character in … In Latin Baby Names the meaning of the name Anna is: Biblical; devout woman who saw infant Jesus presented at the temple in Jerusalem. "Of a great age," she must have been considerably over 100 years, having been a widow 84 years after a short married life of seven (see the Revised Version (British and American)). Then in her old age, God allowed her to see the promised one, Jesus. She was the daughter of Penuel from the tribe of Asher. Luke recorded the name of her father, Phanuel, and that she was from the tribe of Asher. Alternative Spellings & Variations: Abbigail, Abigal, … While the tribe of Asher was not among the tribes that returned from the Babylonian exile to Palestine, many of its chief families must have done so as in the case of the prophetess. Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Ultimately the name lost its initial 'h'. See Edersheim, Life and Times of Jesus, I, 200-201, Gelkie, Life and Words of Christ, I, 133-34. Other women who were prophets include Miriam (Exodus 15:20), Deborah (Judges 4:4), Huldah (2 Chronicles 34:22), Isaiah’s wife (Isaiah 8:3), and four unmarried daughters of Philip the evangelist (Acts 21:8-9). Then in her old age, God allowed her to see the promised one, Jesus. Anna was alone from every perspective but God's. Origin: Hebrew. She was a "prophetess," like Miriam, Deborah, and Huldah ( 2 Chronicles 34:22 ). His name may be a play on words, since Anna was among the first to recognise the face of God when she saw the infant Jesus. Who was “Anna” (Luke 2:36)? Answer: Anna is mentioned in the Bible as a prophetess and one of the people connected to Jesus’ childhood. As an old woman, Anna saw the infant Jesus at the Temple and recognised him at once as the long-awaited Messiah. The Biblical baby name Anna is the Greek version of the Hebrew name Hannah. Anna was a prophetess, a descendant from the Jewish tribe of Asher, elderly, and a widow who devoutly worshiped God with regular fasting and praying.
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