ohio passenger rail


Contents iii STATE OF OHIO RAIL PLAN - DRAFT Figure 1-2. It calls for $9 billion, or $450 million over 20 years, which Verhoff says accounts for 10% of ODOT’s yearly budget. While visiting the Hocking Valley Scenic Railway, also visit the Nelsonville's Historic Square Arts District. The Metropolitan Planning Organizations in Ohio .....1-7 Figure 1-3. The Ohio Passenger Railroads and Scenic Railroads. It will be good for jobs, it will be good for families to be able to get around,” said Verhoff. Ohio has about 10 operating scenic railroads that provide periodic excursions through the country and that number is likely to grow. It soon went viral after catching the eye of All Aboard Ohio Executive Director Stu Nicholson, who shared the post with his LinkedIn followers. “It's the biggest city in the Western hemisphere that doesn't have passenger rail. There would also be seven hubs, which would connect Ohio to other major cities. Ohio enjoys three intercity trains passing through its borders including the Capitol Limited, Lake Shore Limited, and Cardinal/Hoosier State running the Kentucky border to Cincinnati. While many might think that railroads are a thing of the past, today Ohio has more than 5,230 miles of working rail lines crossing the state. The Little Miami Railroad was one of Ohio's most important early railroads.